Monday, July 14, 2008

Floor is finally done...

Left around 3pm on Friday and headed for the campsite (tent only) at Bear Creek Lake. Quickly set up camp and made it to the property by 7pm to make sure everything was dry. Couple of pools of water had accumulated in pockets in the tarp. Also discovered numerous wasp nests under the deck. Ran to Dollar General and got a can of Wasp killer since I had to get under the deck to nail the floor bottom. Sprayed the whole area and jumped back in the truck. Drove back and was asleep by 10pm.

Got up early and headed out to finish nailing the floor bottom. Still some wasps around, but didn't get stung. Got the insulation installed in the section I was working on and also nailed and glued the flooring. The sun was hot and the reflective insulation only made it hotter. Spend alot of time balancing on the floor joist and really gave my ankles a workout. Finally died around 3pm and decided to go take a shower and possibly come back that evening..... (didn't happen!)

Got up early Sunday morning and packed up camp and got to the property around 7am. It was extremely hot and drank two liters of water by 9am. Had to run out and get more water and some Gatoraid. Completed all the flooring and porch boards. Felt a bit dizzy a few times. Had to sit in the air conditioning in the Rover and drink lots more fluids before I felt OK to continue. The heat index was 105F. Finished up around 3pm and started to head for home. I did not feel well on the drive home and finally got home, took a shower, and enjoyed the A/C. Think I was close to heat exhaustion. Still drinking tons of fluids and never needed to go to the bathroom.

Fireworks shoot this weekend and depending on the weather, I may go down and start the walls on Friday. This is taking alot longer than I originally thought...


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