Back wall is done...
Drove down on Friday afternoon and discovered that one needs to get past Gainesville before 3pm to avoid traffic backup on I-66. Arrived at the cabin and was surprised that the front door was wide open. Had to check for bears, raccoons, deer, wild turkeys, bats, etc. Must not have shut the door tight when I left. A number of Wasps made it in and I only suffered one sting while working. Did some basic organizing and headed off the Depot Diner.
Got up around 8am and drove down to Farmville to pick up some items from Lowe's. Added the battens and trim work to the rear of the cabin.
Pretty much done...
Finished the drain piping from the sink to the exterior.
Will add more piping to the drain later. Put some screening over the pipe to prevent critters from coming in.
Finished adding the the few small sections of siding and did some work on the window trim. I will probably put up some temporary netting around the porch so the dogs can hang out there rather than running off and getting in the muddy creek.
Did a lot of cleaning on Sunday to make sure there was room for the entire family to spend next weekend in the cabin. Should be interesting...! Most of the lumber is out of the cabin now, so I bought a small table and 2 chairs. Chemical toilet is now operational and I am surprised how much room there actually is inside. Drove home Sunday around 4pm. Hope to get something done next weekend while the wife and dogs are here, but who knows... :-)
Got up around 8am and drove down to Farmville to pick up some items from Lowe's. Added the battens and trim work to the rear of the cabin.
Finished the drain piping from the sink to the exterior.
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