Roofing by yourself 201...
Drove down on Friday morning. Stopped by the dollar stores to get some required items to work on the roof. Last week I got some sample stain colors and put them on a pine board to check out the color. I think I am leaning toward the darkest brown stain. Sorted out the pieces required for finishing the roof.

Woke up at 6am, made pancakes and coffee. Started working by 7am.
I attached the panel to the rope using two vise grips.
This shows the method of getting the metal roofing on top of the cabin. The edges are extremely sharp and I didn't want to cut my head off while getting them up. I threw a rope over the cabin and slowly hoisted them up the ladder to the back side of the cabin.
Had to go to the front of the cabin, climb the ladder, hook up my safety harness, and slide the panel off the ladder and into position.
First panel screwed in place and it seems to line up fine.
Used some climbing equipment called ascenders to hold the panel in place while I climbed up onto the roof. This method worked well.
Attached a tow strap to one of the pier posts and them tied the strap to my climbing rope. Wore a climbing harness and hooked into the rope with another ascender. If I fell, this would keep me from falling to the ground and breaking my neck.
On a sad note... When I removed one of the tarps from around the ladder, a wren's nest fell out and two eggs rolled onto the ground. I carefully put the two eggs in the nest and moved it about twenty feet away while the mother wren watched me. She flew over to the nest, but wouldn't go in. About an hour later, I was aboiut to climb the ladder and I saw some egg halves laying in the leaves. Three other eggs had fallen out and the chicks had hatched. I gathered them up and put them in a bowl and got the out of the sun. tried giving them a drop or two of Gatorade (all I had) and they went to sleep. Came back about 20 minutes later and they were ready to eat again. This worked for about an hour, but they died...
Poor little guys... They are now buried on the farm.
This is where I ended up on Saturday evening.
Woke up at 6am, made pancakes and coffee. Started working by 7am.
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