Excavation soon...
Received a call this evening and made a deal with an excavation company to have them come in, knock down about 3/4 of a acre of trees around the cabin site and push everything about 50 feet away from the foundation. The gentleman was quite concerned that it was really going to look like a mess and was I really sure that is what I wanted to do. I explained that I understood and we struck a deal at $1400. He will call me a few days before and I hope to go down and record the event. No deposit required...They certainly do things differently down there. It is currently raining and he wants to wait for a few dry days so he doesn't tear the ground up too bad.
On another note, I have been looking at post and beam timber frame homes for the main house (8 years away). I really like this one!!! Probably costs a fortune...

This rendering is for a log home, but they also make it with a smooth timber frame with almost any type of exterior.
The floor plan looks great too.....

I would probably make a small basement under part of the house for heating system and storage. Now if I could just win the lottery....
On another note, I have been looking at post and beam timber frame homes for the main house (8 years away). I really like this one!!! Probably costs a fortune...

This rendering is for a log home, but they also make it with a smooth timber frame with almost any type of exterior.
The floor plan looks great too.....

I would probably make a small basement under part of the house for heating system and storage. Now if I could just win the lottery....